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$3000 Small Business Recovery Grants




July 6, 2020

As restrictions are gradually being lifted and businesses are starting to get back to normal across the state, it's no secret that many are needing further financial support to help them get back on track.

The New South Wales Government is currently offering $3000 grants to small businesses to help them come out of COVID-19 as best as possible. This is a fantastic opportunity to receive valuable funds for your business.

One of the eligible uses for these grants is "marketing, communications and advertising", and we've already had a number of businesses and existing clients get in touch with us to discuss how this could be used.

Whether it's for a new or updated website, social media support, or digital video content, this grant could be a great way to start promoting your business again to both existing or new customers.

To apply for these grants, businesses need to provide quotes for the work they plan to undertake. Should you wish to have a quote provided to you for digital marketing activity or support, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Applications for the grants close 16th August 2020. More information can be found on the NSW Government Website.



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